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Courses on Christian FaithDIDACTIC OFFERING OF DIDASKALEION CENTREFor many years, the Didaskaleion Centre of Torino has offered - for free - a structured and rigorous packet of courses meant to deepen one’s knowledge of Christian Religion. The didactical offer encompasses both genuinely theological subjects and cultural and historical approaches. The school’s methodology was devised and developed by Rev. Piero Ottaviano during the course of his whole life, and it’s still scrupulously followed by the teachers he himself formed. Over the years, the Center’s courses have benefited more than 35000 students. Below, we list the various didactical proposals which historically have been activated. For any information, please contact the Centre. 1. Christianity – Synthesis (two years)This course is a deep and rigorous study of Christian Religion, re-analyzed "from scratch". This “basic” course is capital, and propedeutic for any other course of the Centre. Duration: usually two years, attended on a weekly basis:
PLEASE NOTE: This biennal course is fundamental and necessary to get access to any other courses of Didaskaleion Centre. 2. Advanced Courses
3. Complementary servicesThe following services have been provided for a long span of years, until the passing away of Rev. Piero Ottaviano: